Friday, November 15, 2013

"Fly Swatting" with Marc

Marc was my teacher helper today. We played a "fly swatting" letter game. I had made some cards with both a picture of a fly on them and a letter. In the room across the hall, Marc taped these fly cards all over the place. He would show the girls either a blend or word, the girls would sound it out, and then they would go around the room with a fly swatter, swatting at all the "flies" that made up that blend or word. It was quite fun! There were "fly letters" on desks, the door, the bulletin board, the bookshelf, the white board, the trash can, the window was quite the infestation of flies!

Background story to this activity: We had a problem with 2 flies in our classroom. Mr. & Mrs. Buzzy refused to leave! The girls discovered my fly swatter, and were determined to put an end to Mr. & Mrs. Buzzy. I am not sure what happened to Mrs. Buzzy, but Ayme was quite excited the one day to successfully swat Mr. Buzzy!!

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