Tuesday, November 29, 2011

'Twas the Week of Thanksgiving...

So its been almost a month of silence on this blog. For all my faithful readers, I apologize if you have felt any measure of disappointment recently when you visit my blog only to discover that it is still that same old post! This was almost a new record for me. Since I started my blog in 2008, I have posted faithfully - never missing a month. However, I haven't blogged much in recent months because I just really haven't had much to say! When I was teaching Kindergarten, there was always some activity to blog about (especially around this time of year!), but now I haven't been as motivated. I almost past by this month without a blog entry, but alas, I could not. It just wouldn't look right on my blog archive list to skip the month of November! :-)

I trust that everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving. My family had some interesting "inconveniences" the week of Thanksgiving. I came home on Monday to find the coil in the oven giving off a mixture of electric sparks and a bright orange glow. (Mind you, this was occurring even after the oven was turned OFF!) My Mom and I didn't know what to do! Thankfully, it stopped before too long. The one side of the coil was completely melted. Of course this was happening the night my Mom wanted to bake 3 pies! Not to mention the fact that we were supposed to have Thanksgiving at our house in just a few days! After calling the oven place, my Mom was told that even if the new coil was sent Express, it wouldn't arrive until Friday. Well, obviously, that wasn't going to help matters much, so we resorted to Plan B.

- Bake pies at Nannie's house on Monday night.
- Transport turkey and many, many other ingredients to Nannie's house on Wednesday.
- Cook & prepare the turkey, filling, corn casserole and rolls at Nannie's house on Wednesday.
- Transport some more food and drinks to Nannie's house on Thursday.
- Eat Thanksgiving dinner at Nannie's house on Thursday.

My Mom adjusted her plans accordingly, and we were accepting Plan B as the final answer. However, Wednesday morning, UPS arrived with - you guessed it - the coil for our oven!! So after Andy put it in the oven and we double checked to make sure all was well, we went back to Plan A:

- Cook & prepare the turkey, filling, corn casserole and rolls at our house on Wednesday.
- Eat Thanksgiving dinner at our house on Thursday.

Plan A was a lot more convenient simply because it didn't include the word "transport" in it! :-) The ironic thing about this whole ordeal was the fact that a few hours after we received the new coil, we got an email informing us that the replacement part had been shipped out and was expected to arrive Tuesday, November 29 (which happens to be today). Weird, huh? It was definitely a blessing from the Lord that it arrived so early!!

Thanksgiving day was a lot of fun! We ate lots of yummy food, and had lots of laughs while we played the game Taboo and Phase 10. Surprisingly, I didn't take many pictures. I only took a picture of Andy arranging the turkey and carrots on the platter (he was doing such a great job!) and our dining room table before we dug in to all that yummy food. But that's okay....good memories were made even if they weren't "captured" on my camera!

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