Friday, April 9, 2010

Pizza, Prizes & Park Play

Today was Pizza Party at Miss Follett's house for those who read 1,000+ minutes during the Winter Reading Program. Other than the Top Reader award (bowling), this was the highest prize the kids could win. There is just something about going to the teacher's house.... :)

I was sooooooo very thankful that it was a beautiful day outside! It was a little on the chilly side after having a couple of days of 80 degree weather, but the kids didn't seem to mind.

Our ping-pong table was set up on the back porch, so of course that was a big hit!

Shooting hoops was fun too...

I found these two ball toss games at the store the other day. I knew I needed some more game options if I was to entertain these kids at my house for over an hour!

I think the Velcro ball toss game was a favorite. So easy to catch the just sticks!

We had already pre-selected what kind of pizza toppings we wanted on our pizza. The choices were cheese, pepperoni, 1/2 sausage, 1/2 grilled chicken. Yum!

24 slices of pizza were gone lickety-split! (they weren't very large slices, just so you know ;-))

Left to right: James, Taylor, Matthew, Jacob

Left to Right: Allen, Jordan, Hope, Emaline

After lunch, the kids played for awhile longer, but started looking for something new to do. They found our shelf of games, and this game soon became a hit (literally!).

It's called Hydro Battle. Its just like the regular Battleship game, but instead of calling out "A7, H2 etc" to see if you can hit your friend's "battleship", you insert the stick into one of the holes on your side of the game. If you have hit one of your friends' battleships, they will receive a nice surprise - a squirt of water in their face! You can only imagine how much fun this is to a bunch of kids. They made sure that they hit a battleship, so they could giggle with glee when someone got a water spray in their face. Oh the simple things in life :) This was a game Andy got when he was 10 years old (almost a decade ago *gasp!*), so other than a collectible on Amazon, I couldn't find it anywhere online. (Sorry to any Moms who were desirous to get this game for their children :D)

When we got back to school, we headed straight for the school bus to head off to our next adventure. As a reward for those students who got on honor roll this past quarter, we went to a community park nearby for ice cream sundaes and some outside fun time.

Mrs. Lytle went all out for the ice cream sundaes. Let's see...there was crushed Oreos, chocolate syrup, caramel syrup, marshmallow fluff, peanuts, strawberries, bananas, cherries, sprinkles, and whipped topping available to the students to put on their vanilla ice cream. Talk about a sugar rush!!! :D

This was my ice cream sundae. :) My teeth were chattering a bit as the wind was slightly chilly under that pavilion. However, I enjoyed it immensely!

After ice cream sundaes were over, we split up into two groups. Some went to nearby field to play kickball, while others played on the playground.

The "zip line" was a favorite :)

Some of the kiddos played "hide & seek tag" on the playground. Here are Abbi and Jordan hiding in the one tube slide. :) I had been standing nearby when I heard them whisper "Miss Follett...shhhhhh!" I wasn't supposed to reveal their hiding spot. Of course, they both looked so cute, I had to take a quick picture :)

So, yes, it was a busy day filled with fun adventure, yummy food & beautiful blue skies. Can't ask for anything better :)

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