Saturday, March 8, 2014

Box Tops Ice Cream Party

As a school, we have been collecting these since the beginning of the school year...

Competition always makes things more exciting so the elementary students were split into 2 teams. My girls were teamed up with the 6th graders, and did a great job keeping the competition going strong! Our team of just 10 students won the competition by bringing in 1,262 boxtops!

Yesterday, the students reaped the reward for winning the competition - an ice cream party! It still amazes me how exciting it can be to get to eat ice cream. :-) I used it to my advantage, I must admit. ("You must complete all your papers before you can eat ice cream!")

Posing with the toppings before they got their ice cream...

Letting Mrs. Follett know which toppings they wanted on their ice cream...

Enjoying every last bite!

My girls holding up the certificates they earned for winning the competition!

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