As I spent time this morning cleaning my room and making my Christmas thank-you list, I realized how blessed I was this Christmas! I got so many special things from so many special people in my life this year.
However, although it is nice to receive presents, and I am grateful for each one I received, sometimes it is easy to just get used to it.
Every year there are plenty of presents underneath our Christmas tree. I can't remember one year that I haven't gotten an overabundance of presents.
Every year there are plenty of presents underneath our Christmas tree. I can't remember one year that I haven't gotten an overabundance of presents.
I am blessed with so much already, that at Christmas when I receive even more, I don't think I appreciate it as much as I should. Sometimes I feel like shouting - Please no more presents! I have too much already!! Every Christmas, this scene from Little House on the Prairie plays in my mind. The Ingalls didn't have much, and their Christmas presents didn't amount to much (in our eyes at least), but to them, they were overjoyed with the simple things they received. Sometimes I crave for those simple days gone by!
What will I remember about this Christmas? Yes, I got some great presents, but what I will remember most is...
~Gathering around the table at my grandparent's house, hardly any elbow room, not enough seats to go around (not pictured: Alayna and I on a piano bench!), but enjoying a scrumptious Christmas Eve dinner together. Who knows how many more years ALL of us be together like this.

~Gathering around our dining room table on Christmas day playing Apples to Apples with my Nannie and Aunt Cheryl, laughing to the point of tears at times. It was the first year without my Pop-Pop. Last year we sang Christmas carols in his hospital room on Christmas Eve. Precious memories...
A time for tears and a time for laughter...
A time for tears and a time for laughter...