Yesterday we made Empty tomb rolls (the marshmallow inside melts and disappears when baked representing how Jesus was buried but then the tomb was empty when He rose!) and Easter story bracelets to help us remember what Easter is really all about!
green - palm branches, purple - Last Supper they drank wine/grape juice, yellow - represents the money Judas got for betraying Jesus, red - Jesus shed His blood for us, black - He died on the cross, grey - He was put in a tomb, white - HE IS RISEN!!
Every Friday we have Show & Share highlighting one of the letters of the alphabet. When I told the girls they could wear pajamas on Show & Share P day, they were ECSTATIC! By far P has been the most popular of all the letters of the alphabet!! :-)
Yesterday they got to wear their pajamas for movie time, story time, Social Studies, and then for play time. It was a fun afternoon!
These 6 kiddos were SUPER thrilled to have won the Box top competition for our school! They were promised an ice cream party and that is always HUGE motivation. They brought in a total of 733 box tops which is pretty impressive!! It was a little nerve-wracking near the end as they competed with the older kids, but 733 is bigger than 670 - sure was close! :-)
Today was their long anticipated ice cream party. To say they were excited would be an understatement. (You'd think these kids have never had ice cream before!!!) They each received a box top certificate and had both a silly pose and regular (ha!) pose together as a group.